日期:2023-01-24 17:46:14 来源:互联网
英语作文宣传稿格式范文 第1篇
It turns out that banning smoking is closely related to many of the most deadly diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and lung disease. Doctors also warn us that cigarettes contain nicotine, tar and many other toxic substances. We are even told that smoking is not only a serious harm to smokers, but the statistics of non-smokers also show that smoking kills millions of people in the world every year, all of which Let us believe that smoking is really through education and enhance their willpower to death, everyone should resist the temptation of cigarettes, the whole society should improve health awareness, health institutions should assume the responsibility of publicizing the above facts to the public, governments around the world should seriously consider alternatives to the tobacco industry to make profits.
After all, health, the most solid in life The essence of ^v^must always be put in the first place^v^.
英语作文宣传稿格式范文 第2篇
Dear friends, as we all know, due to the lack of resources and the increase of population, there has been a power shortage in the eastern part of China in recent years. Now, the summer with a large demand for electricity is coming. We are all familiar with the impact.
Our work is often interrupted and we can only do things by candlelight. This is very important for our family It"s harmful. At night, we can only stay in the dark and do nothing.
Therefore, people around us should not ignore this solution to save electricity besides the efforts of the government. We have more things to do and should do, such as using less air conditioning, turning off the lights when going out, and reminding the family of the importance of saving electricity. Therefore, as the saying goes, ^v^action is better than eloquence^v^, please be big Take part in the power saving action, from yourself, from now on,.
英语作文宣传稿格式范文 第3篇
When you learn English, listening, speaking and writing are very important, but reading is also very helpful. When yoead, you can"t just learn some new words, but you can learn how to use them. When yoead it, it gives you a good example of writing.
Good reading prompts reading to the right level. Read something you can read (more or less) to understand. If you need to stop using the dictionary every three words, it"s boring.
Try to increase the number of new words you have. If there are four or five new words on a page, write them down in your notebook. But you don"t have to write it down while reading.
Instead, try to guess what they mean when reading, then mark them and write with a pen. After reading, come back to the dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book. Then try to remember them.
Try to read regularly. For example, reading once a day for 15 minutes is better than two hours a Sunday. Find a time to read it and stick to it.
So you can read it for 15 minutes while you"re sleeping, waking up or at lunch. Read what you are interested in. Choose a book or magazine about a subject you like.
Because you have to spend time and money reading an interesting book. You can also read newss. There are many English newss in China that give examples of agers of the past century.
It"s easy for you to understand. There are some interesting things..
英语作文宣传稿格式范文 第4篇
Now you can see advertisements in bars, buses, newss and magazines, TV screens and amusement parks. It is more and more difficult for you to resist the attraction of color advertising. There are many words to say about supporting advertising.
First, it provides information to tell customers what is available in the market and the difference between one product and another. Second, all kinds of activities and organizations get it With financial support, we will have to pay more for newss and sports s. The best advertisements and even entertainment advertisements have also made considerable efforts.
Therefore, in most cases, photography is a real art, and slogans are really humorous. However, the situation is really interesting. Commodities are not always as good as advertised, because commodities are It"s completely influenced by advertising, and has too much trust in advertising.
英语作文宣传稿格式范文 第5篇
As this vivid cartoon depicts, a little boy throws away a package with food, and an old woman picks it up. The purpose of this painting is to reveal the increasing waste. Economy is the firm virtue of our country.
Why does this phenomenon happen? In other words, with the improvement of living standards, people live a full life. Some people erase the traditional virtue of saving from our memory. If we ignore this phenomenon, it will have a serious adverse impact on social harmony.
In addition, waste is not only a noble character of young people, but also leads to some bad qualities which are not conducive to the growth of young people.
英语作文宣传稿格式范文 第6篇
It turns out that banning smoking is closely related to many of the most deadly diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and lung disease. Doctors also warn us that cigarettes contain nicotine, tar and many other toxic substances. We are even told that smoking is not only a serious harm to smokers, but the statistics of non-smokers also show that smoking kills millions of people in the world every year, all of which Let us believe that smoking is really through education and enhance their willpower to death, everyone should resist the temptation of cigarettes, the whole society should improve health awareness, health institutions should assume the responsibility of publicizing the above facts to the public, governments around the world should seriously consider alternatives to the tobacco industry to make profits.
After all, health, the most solid in life The essence of xxxmust always be put in the first placexxx.
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